Privacy Impact Assessment

data privacy impact assessment
  • With the increased focus on Data Privacy regulations worldwide, such as GDPR, SHIELD, PDPA, etc. The first step towards ensuring compliance with the regulations is to conduct a Data Privacy Impact Assessment. (DPIA) A DPIA is a way for you to systematically and comprehensively analyze your processing and help you identify and minimize data protection risks.
  • DPIAs should consider compliance risks, but also broader risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals, including the potential for any significant social or economic disadvantage. The focus is on the potential for harm – to individuals or society at large, whether it is physical, material, or non-material.
  • To assess the level of risk, a DPIA must consider both the likelihood and the severity of any impact on individuals.
  • A DPIA does not have to indicate that all risks have been eradicated. But it should help you document them and assess whether or not any remaining risks are justified.
  • DPIAs are a legal requirement for processing that is likely to be high risk. But an effective DPIA can also bring broader compliance, financial and reputational benefits, helping you demonstrate accountability and building trust and engagement with individuals.