Cybersecurity Training

cyber security training

We provide Cybersecurity training for the following:

1. Secure Coding Guidelines: This involves teaching developers how to write secure code to mitigate vulnerabilities and prevent common security threats such as injection attacks (SQL injection, XSS), buffer overflows, and insecure direct object references. It includes topics like input validation, output encoding, proper error handling, and using secure coding practices in various programming languages.

2. Application Security Training: This focuses on understanding the principles of secure application development, including secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, secure session management, secure communication (HTTPS), and secure configuration of web servers and databases. It also covers common vulnerabilities found in web applications like OWASP Top 10 and methods to mitigate them.

3. Conducting Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test (VAPT): This training involves learning how to identify and assess vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications. It covers techniques for conducting vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and reporting findings. It also includes understanding the difference between automated scanning tools and manual testing techniques.

4. Phishing Awareness Campaigns: This educates employees about the risks of phishing attacks and how to recognize and avoid them. It covers topics such as identifying phishing emails, avoiding suspicious links and attachments, and reporting phishing attempts to the appropriate authorities.

5. Data Privacy Training for GDPR & Other Privacy Regulations: This training ensures that employees understand their responsibilities regarding data privacy laws such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), etc. It covers topics like the principles of data protection, handling personal data securely, obtaining consent for data processing, and responding to data breaches.

6. Red Team Assessment: This involves simulating real-world cyber attacks to test the effectiveness of an organization’s security controls and incident response capabilities. It includes activities such as social engineering, physical security testing, and network penetration testing conducted by a team of ethical hackers (red team) to identify weaknesses in the organization’s defenses.

These training programs will be tailored to the specific needs and roles within your organization and may include a combination of classroom training, hands-on exercises, online modules, and workshops. Additionally, regular updates and refresher courses will be conducted to keep employees up-to-date with the latest security threats and best practices.


  • Training by industry experts
  • Highly practical approach
  • Hands-on workshop with Q&A
  • Cost and time-effective