Automated Controls Testing

automated controls testing

Companies have control automation configured to some extent to perform either a preventive or detective function. With automation setting to kick into the process of the organizations, it becomes necessary to keep a check on these processes by implementing various automated controls. However, AICPA standards state the auditor cannot rely on automated controls unless the ITGC are relatively reliable. Thus significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in the ITGC do directly impact the degree and scope of IT risks associated with automated controls.

Darknext specializes in supporting their clients with placing reasonable assurance over the IT General Controls & Automated Controls. We also enhance audit efficiency by identifying key industry trends.

Steps in automated controls testing:
1)To identify controls that need automatic testing.

2) Request for controls that need manual testing.

3)Automated testing assimilates results of manual and automatic tests and sends out the report.

4) Identify the number of controls that failed so that such controls can be reviewed by internal auditors.

5) Create a repository of tests and results for future reference